Understanding Microphones in Singapore | Dynamic vs Condenser
SM7B Cardioid Dynamic Vocal Microphone
Many first-time individuals commencing their search for a new microphone in Singapore would realise the many options available in the market. This can be quite confusing and challenging if one does not know where to begin. Two of the more commonly searched or used terms would be 'dynamic' and 'condenser'. However, what are the differences between the two? We will be exploring them further in this article.
What is a Dynamic Microphone?
A dynamic microphone is the oldest type of microphone you would find in the market. Their designs are typically the classic and traditional ones that you can spot easily.
Due to them being able to withstand high sound pressure levels, these are the perfect candidate if you are recording loud sounds or using them in a live setting such as during performances. The other benefits of dynamic microphones would be their affordability and durability.
Do note that for dynamic microphones, their coils do have a certain weight to them. What this means is that a sound which is of particularly too high or low of a frequency would not make the coil vibrate enough to have an accurate representation of the sound. Hence, if you are in a studio trying to record the intricacies of your vocal, a condenser microphone might be a better choice.
What is a Condenser Microphone?
MV51 Digital Condenser Microphone
Condenser microphones are pretty much the opposite of dynamic microphones. They are better suited to capture much quieter sounds with a high degree of accuracy.
In terms of components, condenser microphones contain both a diaphragm and a backplate. A static charge is required between them and this can only be done through the use of electricity. This means that in order for a condenser microphone to work, there has to be electricity input.
Which Microphone Should You Choose?
For someone who might just be new on your search for a microphone, the technical aspects that we touched on might be a little overwhelming. However, you do not have to worry too much about that.
Ultimately, it still comes down to the sound rather than the build. There are many podcasters and streamers in Singapore who might not necessarily be aware of which type of microphone (dynamic or condenser) they have. What matters to them (and to you as well), is that they are comfortable with the final sound post-recording.
Microphone Recommendations
SM58 Cardioid Dynamic Vocal Microphone
Our most popular dynamic microphone would be none other than the SM58 Cardioid Dynamic Vocal Microphone. This is a classic Shure microphone that works great in an outdoor environment and live setting.
However, if you are a content creator looking for professional microphones or are looking for a dynamic microphone for a more indoor experience such as for podcasting or live streaming, then you can take a look at the MV7 Podcast Streaming Microphone.
As for those who require a condenser microphone for recording their music (regardless if it is vocals or instruments), we would recommend the MV51 Digital Condenser Microphone. Another advantage of this microphone is its portability in case you need to take it elsewhere to do your recording.
If you would like to take a look at even more microphone Singapore options, feel free to visit our Shure Shop. To get started, check out our guide on how to choose the right microphone in Singapore and explore the 3 Shure mics to own.